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Continuous Monitoring System (CMS)

Tell your compliance story without having to dig through countless Excel sheets to spot trends and anomalies in your CMS readings and monitoring.


Flexible Tracking

The software produces data roll-ups, aggregates, and interval data grabs for every process, exceedance, or malfunction


Data Backups

Our platform never purges your data, and nightly differential and weekly full database grabs provide an additional layer of security

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Anomaly Reporting

Upset events and anomalies (such as invalid readings) are immediately reported, speeding up your team's response time

Real-Time Emissions and Equipment Monitoring

Pressure readings, flow, emission, and loading rates, operation status... ERA's Continous Emissions Monitoring System measures and aggregates it all at the granularity of your choice (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly).

ERA's Data Collection and Transfer Methodology

ERA's data collection and compilation process is simple, transparent, and entirely customizable.

The raw data in your data storage system is encrypted and sent to ERA using Secure File Transfer Protocols (STFP) at the frequency of your choosing (hourly, daily, weekly, etc.).
ERA’s EMS system decrypts your data, reviews it in accordance with your permit conditions, and uploads it to a client-specific server in ERA’s software.
Alerts are automatically sent to recipients of your choice whenever a reading is invalid or exceeds the expected range of operation.

The system rolls up CMS readings at the interval required by your permit (or according to your organization's needs) and makes them available for reporting purposes.

The Most Secure Encryption and Transfer Process

ERA's database collects, classifies, and interprets every reading from your CMS devices and stores them in a secure, cloud-hosted location. Continuous Monitoring Tools like ERA Software can automate and simplify your Continuous Compliance Monitoring tasks. 

Reporting Services You Can Rely On

Our servers do not act as a black box that merely stockpiles your data. Rather, your CMS readings are cataloged as per your data integration settings and pulled into real-time, adaptable, custom reports.


Summary Reports

After vetting and analysis, the software generates reports for any operation you monitor with probes, PLCs, or other sensing equipment...



...such as flow rates, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission levels, pressure readings for filter tables or baghouses, flare tip velocity and temperature readings...

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CMS Technology add an automation layer to equipment and control devices monitored by a CMS, a Parametric Monitoring System (CPMS), or an Emission Rate Monitor (CERM).


Take the First Step Toward Compliance Assurance

Our free-to-read, no-commitment brochure gives you a clear snapshot of our software's functionalities and the compliance benefits you can expect from it.

What our clients have to say about our Environmental Software


My company has used this software for 21 years

ERA designed reports specific to our needs and have added to and updated those reports as environmental laws changed. Our finishing material suppliers submit their information directly to ERA, which makes our record-keeping much easier.
Barry Branscome
VP & Director of Environmental Compliance, Vaughan Bassett


The BEST software to manage environmental records

ERA took the time to educate and work with our staff to develop a database that works and functions like no other system I have used before. I have been in the Environmental field for 20+years and this is THE system/software to manage environmental records/data!
Sean McCarthy
Environmental Engineer, Toyota


Proven efficiency, accuracy, and overall performance

Since implementing the first 3 modules in 2008, the system has proven its efficiency, accuracy, and overall performance. Our business unit executives regularly express their confidence in their compliance systems.
Phil Schull
V.P. Risk Management, J.B. Poindexter Co.