MSDS management softwareThe Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are one of the most critical tools in your Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) department’s arsenal. Using your SDSs effectively is vital for having a safe, productive, and efficient facility. The easiest way to do this is to implement SDS management software.

    But many facilities do not pay proper attention to their SDSs. Why is this?

    It's baffling that any modern EH&S deparment wouldn't have a proper electronic solution to managing their SDSs.

    Here are some really good reasons to get the ball rolling on exactly why SDS management software should be part of your environmental management system:

    Quick Access, When You Need It

    SDSs are generally required in two situations: research & emergencies.

    In both of these situations, the focus is on other, more important tasks, i.e. you don't want to spend time tracking down and looking for your SDSs.

    GHS Transition SDS Management

    You get the most benefits when an SDS is accessible to everyone at your facility, at all times - especially in emergencies.

    Unfortunately, the physical medium of an SDS can make it difficult to share, locate and access when the material information is urgently needed.

    Complicating things further, the material data on an SDS could be required by more than a single worker at the same time, both on the shop floor and in the Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) office.

    Digitially storing SDSs solves these problems.

    An electronic database of SDSs ensures quick access, on-demand by any number of people.

    Save Time and Reprioritize

    The information contained in your SDSs is an essential part of effective environmental reporting and forecasting.

    One of the biggest mistakes that businesses make is wasting time having the EHS department manually entering MSDS data into the company’s chemical inventory database. 

    While SDS information is important, transcribing SDS data is a process that can be automated and streamlined by implementing a fully integrated SDS management software.

    Simply by reducing the time spent entering product data you could reallocate dozens of hours to projects focusing on long-term sustainability goals, like getting ISO 14001 certified.

    A Better System Gives you Better Results

    SDSs are an undeniably important part of your environmental management processes. However, SDSs can only be as useful as the process you use to manage them.

    It’s no secret that putting SDS data into spreadsheets just doesn’t work.

    SDS management software can be more than just a SDS repository. You can even use it to automate your product data imports, simplify the product approval process, or even forecast your future emissions.

    But an SDS on its own doesn’t give you much help without being integrated with some form of environmental management software.

    If you are interested in seeing how to build a comprehensive SDS Management System to automate the transfer, organization and accessibility of SDSs , download our Redesigning Your SDS Management System To Ensure GHS Compliance eBook below.


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    This Blog was Co-Authored By: 


    Alex Chamberlain
    Post by Alex Chamberlain
    January 12, 2012
    Alex Chamberlain is a writer for ERA Environmental Management Solutions.
