Gathering information to file your Tier II report is a meticulous endeavor, so we want to take a load off your shoulders, by offering you a tool to facilitating your reporting process: The Tier II Checklist.
Having a checklist allows you to check off what you did while keeping you aware of what needs to be done. It’s a proven technique to staying organized and by doing so, you don’t miss any key steps.
You want to make sure that you haven’t left any rock unturned because this could cost you and your facility hefty fines, more work and jeopardize the safety of your workers, first responders and surrounding community.
Completing Your Tier II Report using the Checklist
This checklist was designed by ERA’s compliance experts to help you put the final coat of polish on your Tier II report, to make sure that no small details slip through the cracks and cause non-compliance fines. Here’s a look at some of the small details this checklist helps you focus on:
How to submit Your Tier II Report
If you need to report your hazardous substances, then you must use a software dictated by your state’s regulations. Sometimes states switch software from year to year, so it’s important to make sure that you’re using the right one and that you’re using the correct version. To see an updated list of Tier II reporting software per state, see our Tier II reporting infographic.
Where to send your Report
You must send your Tier II report to 3 separate agencies:
-your local Fire Station
-your Local Emergency Planning Committee
-your State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) or Tribal Emergency Response Commission (TERC)
Who is your facility’s emergency contact person?
Make sure that all your contact names, email addresses and phone numbers are written in full and spelled correctly. If there’s an emergency, first responders must be able to reach the person responsible for filing the Tier II report or the facility’s emergency contact. Also, it’s crucial that the employee who signed the Tier II report be knowledgeable about the content of the form in case first responders need specific information. Remember, in an emergency, they won’t have time to read through a long report; the information must be readily available and accurate.
Where is your hazardous material stored?
It’s imperative that you know where your hazardous material is in your facility and that it’s included in your Tier II report. To facilitate this, printing out a map and clearly indicating the location is necessary. First responders, such as fire fighters need to know where the chemical material is stored and at which location, since manufacturers sometimes have different locations within the same county. You want to be as clear and accurate as possible –to protect the fire fighters and the surrounding community’s safety.
Revise, Revise, Revise
You want to ensure that amounts, acronyms and the spelling of substances, names and quantities are all correct, so it’s wise to revise your report a few times. It could also be helpful to have someone look it over, as a new set of eyes can sometimes quickly point out errors and discrepancies.
For further Tier II Reporting resources, our team of Tier II experts have designed some tools to support you:
Get our eBook – Tier II Fundamentals answers your most frequently asked questions and provides pro-tips on how to avoid common mistakes and avoid fines.
In addition, find out more about ERA’s Tier II software solution to assist you in fast-tracking your reporting process, easily and accurately.
This Blog was Co-Authored By:
February 14, 2020