H&S Recordkeeping Will Never be the Same...

Are you aware of how the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) privacy laws regulate the data you are allowed to collect about workplace incidents and near misses? Health & Safety specialists need to be prepared to change the data they collect, how they process and store data, and be able to justify their processes to corporate legal teams.  Health & Safety departments are not exempt from this strict new privacy regulation. That's why it should be your top priority to learn specifically how GDPR impacts you.

This free 45 minute webinar focuses on teaching H&S managers and their teams about how the GDPR privacy regulation will influence their operations, using Incident Management as a working case study for discussion:

  • What protections and new processes need to be in place for employee data
  • What types of data you should and should not collect to protect your business from noncompliance
  • What types of conversations you need to have with Privacy Officers, employees, and executives
  • 8 concrete steps to keep incident management in compliance

Use the form on the right to get your free copy of the webinar and we will send you an email with a link to the online recording.


Ehsan Author HeadShot Dr. Ehsan Maghsoudi, Ph.D. He is a recognized researcher in the Health & Safety field with a focus on workplace safety incidents and risk analysis methodologies.