environmental reporting zenWhen you think of your environmental compliance responsibilities, “Zen” is probably the last thing that comes to mind. But peace of mind is exactly what you get when your environmental data management is taken care of, with your company safe from penalties & fines. Environmental reporting software can be more than just a useful business tool: it can help you rest assured your EH&S department has everything it needs to keep running smoothly.

    When this occurs, you will have reached EH&S Zen.

    In Zen teaching, students are encouraged to become the “master of their own mind”. If you’re trying to practice “EH&S Zen” then you should focus on becoming the master of your environmental data instead of letting it dictate how you do your environmental reporting.

    Instead of struggling to deal with your data, put a system in place that makes it just another tool of your success - not the one thing that's bottlenecking your entire department.

    So, you want to take the first steps towards EH&S Zen?

    Here are 3 tried, proven and simple tips to help you get there:

    1. The Three A's - Automate, Automate & Automate. Put a system in place to collect all of your environmental data for you. This eliminates the stress of having to chase down vendors & suppliers, and hunt for missing data in endless computer files.
    2. Keep yourself in the loop, Continuously. Having a continuous emission monitoring system (CEM) ensures your facility doesn’t accidentally operate above any regulatory thresholds, and also gives you a big heads up in the case of emergencies. Crucial, if you have strict limits.
    3. Be a Reporter, not a Compiler. Compiling, crunching and manipulating the data for reports eats up your time - time that should be spent analyzing the results. It's also extremely boring and frustrating. The ability to complete environmental compliance reports in just minutes saves you hours of stress and frustration, and gives you a leaner, fitter & more mobile EH&S department. Develop a system to automate the compiling & calculations of your reports.

    Consider this:

    The goal of meditation is to cut out all outside distractions & worries, so you can focus inwards. A proper environmental management system does just that for your EH&S team.

    If this approach is applied to your environmental management & reporting, it allows your environmental specialists to stop worrying about mindless data collecton & management from your vendors so that they can focus on the core of their responsibilities, keeping you sustainable and in compliance.

    The next time you find your environmental compliance management stressing you out and affecting performance, pause, take a deep breath, and get Zen with environmental reporting software.

    To take your first steps towards EH&S Zen, download our EHS Data Automation whitepaper by clicking the button below.

    Data Automation CTA

    Do you currently use environmental reporting software? Have you noticed it streamlining your processes in other ways?

    This Blog Was Co-Authored By:



    EHS Software
    Alex Chamberlain
    Post by Alex Chamberlain
    January 20, 2012
    Alex Chamberlain is a writer for ERA Environmental Management Solutions.
