Reminder to get environmental compliance softwareAt the end of the year most of us sit down and make a list of all our New Year’s Resolutions, prioritizing all of the things we’d like to get done in the coming year. Usually these goals are the things we know we should do, as they’ll improve our lives in some way.  

    If you own or operate any sort of business or facility that has to file environmental reports with the government, you may have set some environmental performance and corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals for yourself this year.

    Unfortunately, these can be difficult to keep. If you're finding it difficult to keep your environmental management resolutions, here's two proven tips to keep you on track:

    Use the Right Support System

    The main reason people break their resolutions is because they often pick the most difficult way to do things.

    Instead of finding a workout buddy, they decide to go running alone for an hour every morning.

    Instead of joining a support group, they decide to quit smoking all by themselves. 

    If there's a change you really want to make, focus on the goal, not just how you get there. Setting yourself up with right platform to achieve your goals is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. It's also one of the biggest factors in whether your reach your goals or not.

    When it comes to improving your environmental compliance system's performance, don't just look at your outputs, examine how you can improve your entire environmental management system (EMS).

    This might mean streamlining how you do things, hiring more environmental specialists, or implementing environmental compliance software to manage your chemical inventory.

    Environmental data management is the cornerstone of your EH&S (environmental, health and safety) responsibilities, and using environmental compliance software streamlines your EH&S department from the ground up. 

    Focus on the Benefits

    Goals worth achieving often make you endure some rough situations.

    By shifting our minds onto the end results and their benefits (instead of the hardships), things become more achievable.

    The same goes for resolutions to improve your environmental compliance system.

    Improving your environmental performance isn't always an easy resolution to keep. When things get hard, focus on the tangible benefits that your business gets out of it: it's easier for you to get results from other better business initiatives like Greenhouse Gases (GHG) reporting and corporate social responsibility (CSR):

    • You work with less stress.
    • Using environmental compliance software helps mitigate risk.
    • It's just better PR. 

    Environmental compliance system resolutions are, in fact, gifts that keep on giving:

    Once you see the potential ROI from improving your environmental performance you’ll have all the motivation you need to keep the momentum going into other parts of your business.

    If you're looking to improve your environmental compliance system, get a free compliance evaluation and speak with our experts about how you can improve it.

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    This Blog was Co-Authored By:


    Alex Chamberlain
    Post by Alex Chamberlain
    January 25, 2012
    Alex Chamberlain is a writer for ERA Environmental Management Solutions.
