The EPA has announced that the Green House Gas (GHG) reporting tool (e-GGRT) is now ready for your 2020 GHG reports.

    Green House Gas Reporting Announcement image

    The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) requires industries to report their GHG data each year. If your facility is a large emission source such as an industrial gas supplier or a CO2 injection site, you are required to report your GHG emissions to the EPA annually.

    The deadline to submit your annual GHG Report is March 31, 2021.

    How do I access e-GGRT?

    You can access the E-GGRT through the login website. If you have not accessed your account in the past 90 days remember to reset your passwords with the instructions outlined by the EPA. You must make sure that you are registered to the e-GGRT in order to submit your GHG reports.

    Changes to the e-GGRT

    It is important to make sure that you download the most recent version of the EPA e-GGRT forms. The EPA has made a few changes directly within the forms this year. Access the updated forms.

    Basic Registration Information

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    You must complete e-GGRT greenhouse gas reporting software user registration.

    The steps for user registration include:

    • Follow the instructions on the page for the creation of a user profile.
    • Go through the e-GGRT user registration process.
    • Electronically sign the electronic signature agreement or print and sign the form if you do not have an electronic signature on file with the EPA.

    Who Should Report?

    If your facility emits more than 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the United States, then you are required to report. The program includes direct greenhouse gas emitters, fossil fuel suppliers (because they will be combusted and contribute to GHG emissions), industrial gas suppliers, and facilities that inject CO2 underground. Most small businesses should not worry about reporting because their emissions usually fall under the defined 25,000 tons threshold. Each emission source and process is reported under different subparts and you must take note of this when preparing for your GHG report. View the subparts in detail.

    Do You Need Help Collecting and Compiling Your Data?

    If you would like to collect effective data for your GHG report, consider using ERA’s environmental reporting module. This software can help you track all the GHG emission scopes accurately for GHG reporting and complete all your GHG calculations. It prepares the figures that you can enter in the e-GGRT greenhouse gas reporting software.


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    Kundai Mufara
    Post by Kundai Mufara
    March 12, 2021
    Kundai Mufara is a Science Content and Technical Writer at ERA.
