This weekend we wanted to share a new infographic we came across that really caught our attention. It was created by CompuCycle, a well-known and EPA-recognized electronics recycling solutions service provider, and we first saw it on the very popular Treehugger blog. Our thanks to both of them for sharing this excellent infographic.

    e-cycling and sustainability planning


    Even though this infographic isn't necessarily designed with the business manager in mind, it does a fantastic job of highlighting the enormous potential that E-Cycling can tap into.

    Today's modern office spaces are technology-intensive and there's a constant pressure to upgrade to the newest model. In addition to the typical desktop computer, managers often have a workplace laptop, a smart phone, and a tablet. These can get upgraded on an annual basis. And if you work in tech industry or work online, you probably also have a lot of other electronic equipment.

    In most cases, all this E-Waste gets shipped out to a landfill with the rest of your facility's waste. But E-Cycling your comany's electronic waste could be integrated rather easily into your overall sustainability strategy and dramatically reduce the quantity of waste you are responsible for. As the infographic points out, approximately 82% of E-Waste actually gets properly recycled - that's a pretty poor success rate, and one that most environmental managers would not accept for their other environmental programs.

    Not only will E-Cycling look good on your public sustainability report (trust us - ERA proudly talks about our own commitment to E-Cycling and it helped us earn the 2012 Accolades Sustainability Award), it will generate a lot of environmental management benefits.

    For example, the greenhouse gases (GHGs) typically emitted when E-waste is shipped to and stored in a landfill will be reduced, which means your business's associated GHG emissions will be lower. Depending on your available resources, you could find that E-Cycling will save you money compared to shipping and dumping (although you may find there's also a cost to E-Cycling in your area).

    Another important factor is that E-Cycling is a more secure way of protecting any data which may still be stored on your devices.

    Here's the bottom line: businesses are catching on to the fact that reducing greenhouse gases and waste are not just the job of manufacturing facilities - head offices and sales teams can also play a big role. In the same way that going paperless became a standard procedure for corporate office sustainability programs, so too is integrating E-Cycling. It's a relatively easy method for improving your environmental footprint and protecting your confidential data.

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    This blog was co-authored by: 



    Alex Chamberlain
    Post by Alex Chamberlain
    November 30, 2012
    Alex Chamberlain is a writer for ERA Environmental Management Solutions.
